Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Time to Cut The Sweet Stuff

It's surprising how much sugar we consume..
We all know that sugar isn't that great for us..... but we binge on it anyway, especially around Halloween. It's part of our tradition that we walk around town and gather sweet goodies and then consume as many as possible in one night. It's also part of our culture (through our choices of food) that we eat sugar. Sugar has this nasty habit of ruining our bodies, not only is it hard on our liver, kidneys, and pancreas; it also contributes to our excess fat stores. Lets think back for a minute, do you remember when the "Fat Free" and "Low Fat" revolution came into play? Since then obesity has actually increased; despite increase consumption of "low fat" foods. What is going on?!!  It's simple really... when you cut fat out of a food product, it tastes bland and not very appetizing at all. So what do you do (as a food product specialist) ?   You add sugar to make it taste better.  It's no wonder everyone is getting so overweight! They are eating low fat products and thinking it's helping, when in actuality it is causing them to get bigger.

I would like all of you to take a look at the video I will post at the end of this article. It details all the scientific facts about sugar that everyone should know. But to make things faster for you readers out there, I'll make a list of things to avoid and things to do instead
  • Tips:
    • Don't eat foods that have "high fructose corn syrup"
    • Don't eat foods that are high in carbohydrates just before going to bed
    • Start using a natural sweetener (like honey) instead of sugar (or artificial sweeteners; they aren't that great for you either) in your coffee and tea
    • Eat fruit when you get a craving for something sweet. Berries are a good choice as they are rich in good sugars and have a very sweet flavor.
    • Using apple sauce in recipes instead of granulated sugar
    • If you like chocolate: the darker the better (as it has less sugar)
    • Stick to a plan of "no sugar"  you have to treat it like an addiction
It's not feasible to completely cut out bad sugars in a modern society, but you can reduce it. There have been rumors in the scientific community that sugar can contribute to a wide variety of diseases.... including cancer. These studies are ongoing, and I look forward to more results.  Thanks for listening, and please take this message to heart. You will feel like a new person once you've trampled your addiction to sugar.  (and as promised, here's the video) Sugar: The Bitter Truth

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