Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ideas That Matter: Lucia O'Sullivan & the Sex Lives of Youth

One of my favorite social psychological professors is giving a lecture about "Tweeting, Texting, Teens & Chat: the Internet and Sex in the Lives of Youth"

This lecture that will be held at Fredericton High School on April 6, at 7:00pm.

Lucia has a very pleasant way of expressing important information. Furthermore she is extraordinarily insightful on the issues surrounding sexuality and youth. This is a must-see for parents, and teens alike. Not to mention if you're a psychologist, she will give some tasty tid-bits that will tantalize your inner researcher and send you searching for more! Check it out!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Live Profile and Jabber

I've recently heard of this new thing called "Live Profile".  Essentially it allows Android, Blackberry, and iPhone to communicate with each other with text messages... without the need for clunky sms.  It's all fine and dandy, and I think it's a good program. However, for my purposes (because I use a Nokia n900) I prefer the Jabber protocol.  It is open source and works on lots of different platforms. Furthermore, if you have a Facebook account and use chat, you automatically have an XMPP (which goes hand in hand with Jabber)

Here's the link:

Have fun!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"No Logo" My New Book Obsession

I want to share with you a book that I am reading for a class.  At first I thought that it was going to be another stuffy read that had me reaching for summaries and sparknotes. But I must say that this is one good read

It details how the media, advertisers, and brands are interrelated and how invasive they actually are in our lives.  It is a must read for EVERY MODERN CONSUMER.  It's full of tasty data and streamlined prose that make it manageable and interesting.  Albiet, it is a little old (published in 1999) it still makes very good points. So I laud the Author Naomi Klein, and give you a link.  Happy Reading!

Cover of the book             

Friday, March 25, 2011

Don't Worry!!

I just changed the site around a bit so that it's more pleasing to they eye and looks a little more professional!  the content will still be the same

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor has passed away...

It was announced today that actress Elizabeth Taylor has passed away, she was 79.

We've lost another of the classic starlets who created the modern image of powerful female actresses. She will most definitely be missed...

 This picture is courtesy of  another blogger, it is most likely from a Dior advertisment

I think I'm going to spend the next few days watching some classic movies, with a classic lady of the silver screen. Won't you join me?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Book - Website Holistic Wellness

Hi everyone, I'm just making a little announcement about a summer project that I am embarking upon.

The essence of it is a Website devoted to holistic wellness (meaning a harmony between body, mind and spirit) that uses empirical evidence to support it!

It basically outlines good habits to get into, the right foods to eat, and how to generally be happier and healthier!

On top of the Website, I am going to publish a book outlining these things in more detail (Possibly even a series of books detailing each aspect that I want to talk about).

Now that I have you excited, its still in the planning stages, so it is going to be a while before I have anything for you to see. However, I would like to have input on the content, so if you have anything you would like to bring to my attention (meditation techniques, dietary theories, etc etc) I would be extremely grateful! just send them to the following email:


Nuclear Meltdown

With the continued focus on Libya at the moment, The subject of the nuclear reactors in Japan has fallen by the wayside. Furthermore, the point has been beaten to death of late.  Honestly, I must say that a reactor that can withstand and earthquake, then a tsunami, then multiple explosions..... is a pretty safe reactor.  Albeit, they are still in the process of cooling the reactor (it takes a few weeks for reactors to reach a normative level of "coolness")

We aren't out of the water yet, but instead of dwelling on how dangerous and unstable nuclear power is (as the media keeps pounding us with) why not look at how unlikely this situation is (huge earthquake + tsunami) and how the safety procedures at the power plant have held at least mostly.  Everyday it is getting better with regard to the safety around the plant. So I say: congratulations to all the engineers, technicians, scientists etc... who have thought of these creative strategies to keep us safe from contamination. You aren't done yet, but we are behind you all the way!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


It's not everyday that a person can witness multiple countries enact their own change, and revolt against their government... We have that opportunity but looking at Egypt, and now ... Libya.

For those of you who don't know exactly what is going on over there right now... the U.N. has sanctioned a no-fly zone over Libya. They are doing this so that they can protect the Libyan people from their own leader.

This is one fight that the U.N. can't falter on.  If Gadhafi is allowed to fall back into power, he will doubtlessly turn his aggression inward and wreak havoc on his own country in retaliation. 

However, what I must warn the U.N. (not that they will necessarily listen, but I'm putting it out there anyway) is that they must not allow one country (The US UK or any other solidified economic body) to take control of the rebuilding of infrastructure in Libya after this conflict is over.  The people of Libya have to work themselves to create their new infrastructure.  If another nation lends money with the expectation that it will be paid back, Libya might be on the track to third world status.

The next thing is the oil... it's a huge motivational factor, regardless of how pious you are... you probably used oil products to get to work today or to heat your home. So it is imperative that we all realize that the oil that resides under the soil of Libya... belongs to the Libyans. This isn't free reign to start sending in private companies to pull the oil out from under their feet.  I'm all for free enterprise, but advantage should be given to Libyan-owned oil companies to exploit that resource. Or we could have another starving periphery that struggles to repay debt...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Japan, Earthquakes, and Crazy People

A friend of mine discovered a clip on YouTube of a girl professing that God created the earthquake on Japan in order to teach them a lesson.  the video has since been removed, however, here is a remix of it that gives you an idea of what she was talking about

have fun with that one.  I'd like to hear your comments in the section below!

UPDATE!   It's a hoax video that was made specifically to go viral. At least that's what the girl who put it up says