Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Social Psychology, how I love the lessons you've taught me

I'm walking down the street today, and a thought occurred to me: my Social Psychology and Personality classes have to be the most practical courses I have ever taken in University. I definitely mean no offence to the numerous other helpful courses that have lead to my profound bachelor's level of enlightenment; I simply mean to point out that these courses are the most helpful when you want to manipulate, weasel, or in other words... play the game that is modern life.

Marty Feldman - Successfully Bug-Eyed

Lesson #1:

People who are better looking (e.g. have a symmetrical face and are fit in appearance) get higher paying jobs, and have more relationships. There are a ton of other factors that come into play there as well, such as self-esteem. However, when experimental rubber hits the practical road ... it's a reliably tested tendency. So what can we do about it? ... Go to the gym and keep yourself healthy. Other than that, you simply need to be confident and a little bit more sure of yourself. Genetics can only get you so far.

I urge you to disagree with me, PLEASE TRY TO UNDERMINE MY PLATFORM. for that is what experimentation is all about.... discourse.

Stay tuned for more lessons as the weeks tick by :)