Saturday, October 27, 2012

Election 2012: Apathy at its Greatest

Being a dual citizen of the United States and Canada, I have had the pleasure of watching the US election from not only an insider's perspective, but also an outsider's perspective. My conclusion: I don't care.  My feelings toward the upcoming US election scare me, and I don't think that I'm alone. We have two main political parties in the US... neither of whom embody an ideal candidate. Obama makes some good points and so does Romney... but do I want to sacrifice some civil liberties and social programs or do I want the US to get out of debt... the list goes on. In the end, my mind is more consumed with my day-to-day life than it is caring about a popularity contest between to men battling for an increasingly king-like position. What ever happened to the "citizen president" ? Maybe I'm just ranting.... but I am feeling more and more defeated and disillusioned by the US government.

If you have read any of my other posts, you'll know that I'm fairly Libertarian when it comes to politics. I would rather be self sufficient on a plot of land by the ocean than dependent on my fellow man for anything. But we always have to find a balance between what is good for the individual and what is good for the betterment of the world. This is one of the main underlying struggles of this election; the pull between isolationism and world communism (I use this in the theoretical sense..). As a people, do we want to care about the rest of the world? or just ourselves? In theory, this is a simple question. Most of us would answer that we want the world to thrive... but most people don't want to give up money, fame, or privilege in order to help the world. It's a nation-wide dissonance in thought.

In November... I will vote. The candidate that I feel best represents the nation will likely not be elected. And I will go on, striving to distance myself from big brother, and making the most of my life on this planet. Keep calm, and carry on.