Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Paths

Well hello again!  long time no see...

I would like to share with you the new path that I am taking with regard to online presence. As most of you know, I have a great number of interests, all of which tend to pull me in different directions all the time. Because of this, I feel that this blog (and all my other online profiles) lack a certain cohesiveness... the kind of cohesiveness that is found in most successful blogs, YouTube pages ... etc...

Therefore, I am going to create a couple new blogs, revamp my YouTube presence, open a music profile (site yet to be determined) and create a website.

This blog will remain intact and will actually focus on Wellness, commentary on world events, and how world events pertain to your well-being. Since I am critical of music that I listen to, I will be starting a blog devoted to my opinions of new and old music. Lastly I will be starting a blog to detail my musical progress on a professional level, Including my thoughts and feelings on gigs, info on where to see me perform etc...

I will keep my personal YouTube page (for family reasons) but I will be starting a new page that will have very tight control of content and a focus on professionalism ... because hey, in many ways it is my musical portfolio.

The website will be focused on my music as well, and will have lots of cool things for people to look at, listen to, and perhaps buy.

I think that creating these different venues will attach the right people to the right social outlet.  I would love to have your thoughts on this!  if anyone has some cool ideas, let me know!

Take care!