Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another Tech Post? Boxee ! The Start of a New Era

Like I say in my description, my interests are varied. So I've decided that you all must know about this new program that I'm running that has turned my television experience upside down.  It's called "Boxee" and it's a neat little program that packs a huge punch. Specifically, it's punching standard Satellite and Cable TV right in the gonads. The program installs on your computer (or you can order a pre-made version). You plug your computer into your TV, and voila! you have videos streaming from all the major networks (Via your local network's streaming services, and depending on where you are viewing from that could change) YouTube, Netflix, TED, etc etc all on your TV, without having to browse through their websites (which are usually full of advertisements)

Boxee turns your TV into a communications hub for all your entertainment needs. Because of it, I don't have cable at all. Why would you pay for cable, when you have everything you want on demand.  Check it out for yourselves!  It works on Ubuntu, Windows, and Mac.  The only downside is that it does not support Netflix for Ubuntu... but this is due to Netflix using exclusively Microsoft Silverlight, which does not run on Linux :-(


Hey everyone!   It's been a while since the last post.  These last few weeks of a semester are always the hardest, what with studying and all *wink wink nudge nudge*  So I thought I'd share a little cartoon with you. You may or may not agree with it, but I see it as an example of how subjective the wording of ANYTHING can be. Enjoy :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mendeley and my student life

Beyond its clever name, Mendeley is a really powerful program and social networking utility that I have begun to use non-stop over the past months.

It organizes all those peer-reviewed journals you downloaded from EBSCO or any of the other multitudinous online journal distribution sites. It allows you to highlight and add notes to the articles, then share them with people and collaborate.

It also allows you to set up a social networking utility that facilitates communication with other people in your field!  So for example, as part of your profile you list publications you have been a part of, then people can contact you through Mendeley to comment on your work etc.  It's like peer review facebook!

Maybe you guys aren't as excited as I am, but at least if you have lots of articles you want to hold on to, this is the program for you!  (oh, and did I mention that it's free and runs on Linux as well?!?!)  Happy Writing!