Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Golden Rule

Is it true? Are successful people rich jerks?
If you went to grade school during the years between 1900 and 1980 you were taught about the "Golden Rule".  If you were unfortunate enough to go to school later than that, it is likely you missed the boat on how to act in a society. 

The simple truth is that we rarely follow the golden rule anymore. Its message is simple "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you"  Essentially, if you don't want to be treated like a piece of lint then don't treat other people like pieces of lint!  It really isn't hard to understand, but it is ever so hard to actually practice.

Most Psychologists, religious officials, world leaders all agree that if everyone followed this rule, we would be the most happy and cohesive species in the whole galaxy. What gets in the way of this happening? selfishness! Our world is set up so that bad people are the most successful. If you are willing to step all over people in order to get your way, then you are rewarded by having lots of money and a comfortable lifestyle. If you are always nice to people and rarely force your will.... you're likely to not go very far.   So it's true, nice people finish last in Western society. Lets say, for example, that you want to have a house on the ocean in Nova Scotia; and lets say the property you want will cost you more than you can afford, so you put your dream of home ownership on the shelf with the other dreams you can't accomplish and move on. Then suddenly a new position opens up in your office, and you have the qualifications, but Bill across the hall has more years at the company and will likely get the job. BUT, you know for a fact that Bill is homosexual, and that the boss is very homophobic.... Maybe if you mentioned this to him casually, he will reconsider your application over Bills... (Realizing there are laws against discrimination, it still happens, and in this situation they would be bogged down in court for years deliberating the outcome) What would you do?  most people would SAY that they wouldn't do anything, but studies have been done that say otherwise. People will say things that are socially more acceptable, then DO what is better for themselves.

Now, don't expect a big change in the world anytime soon. Big changes happen very slowly; and I think that we are headed in the wrong direction when it comes to morality and treating each other with respect. So here's what you can do, and it's my little word of advise for the day. Follow the Golden Rule as closely as you can, without being taken advantage of yourself. In other words, be successful, assertive, but also be wise and kind. When you find the right balance, the world will be at your fingertips.


  1. You do live those words and have for a very long time.

  2. Thanks :) I try my best to find the balance
